Friday, August 31, 2012

feeling fall in greige...

This space makes me think of fall with the warm fire burning and the soft colors of their eclectic mix it is just perfection!  This is the home of Todd Fiscus and Rob Dailey in Texas.  I have seen some pretty amazing homes from Texas although I have never been.  I really love how this home mixes old and new with ease and elegance. 

For more on their home visit here.

 found via pinterest

40 Best Examples of Wide Angle Photography

Today I want to present you with 40 best examples of Wide Angle Photography photos.

Wide angle photography is the technique of taking photographs at a very low focal length. The focal length of a Wide angle lens is smaller than those of the normal lenses. In essence, anything shot below 20mm focal length can be called a wide angle photograph.While there’s a lot to be said for the power of zoom lenses (in fact many manufacturers are developing cameras with bigger and bigger lenses like the 20x optical zoom on the Olympus SP-570 that was announced this week) photographers who exclusively shoot at the longer focal lengths that their camera and lens offer could be missing out on some wonderful perspectives and framings.

Wide Angle Photography is one of the most used techniques by the photographers of our age. Gone are the days when people were obsessed with big zoom lenses and used to take the photographs at the closest zoom possible, missing out on the close-ups and wide angles.

Wide Angle Images Facebook
Chasing Goals 
Extreme Wide Angle Photography
Aurora Bridge in Fremont - Facebook
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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Interior photography...

I think that among us there is a deep appreciation for quality artistic interior photography.  Even if we don't realize it the photography and often times the photographer are what make these spaces show in the best possible light.  It does take great styling and design I know that, but without the art of the photograph it is so hard to show it to the world, short of touring each and every space in person.

I love that a photo can capture light and depth in a space so beautifully.  So thank you to all of those interior photographers out there who make things oh so beautiful!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Modern homes interior stairs designs ideas.

 wooden board step wooden railing design.
 wooden steps iron railing design.
Marble stairs wood and iron railing designs, stairs lighting idea.

Examples of Sepia Photography

This post contains 27 Beautiful Pictures of Sepia Photography.
27 Images.

In photography, toning is a method of changing the color of black-and-white photographs. In analog photography, toning is a chemical process carried out on silver-based photographic prints. 

This darkroom process can not be done with a color photograph and although the black-and-white photograph is now toned, it is still considered a black and white photograph as it is monochromatic. The effects of these processes can be emulated with software in digital photography.

With the demise of film---although there are some who still use it---digital photography has tried to replace everything once available in traditional photography, including sepia toning, but without the unpleasant chemicals. Some digital cameras have a sepia tone filter built in so you can shoot with it automatically.

Sepia Photo
Kid's Face
Sepia photos images
Old man
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Welcoming entry

I love a good entryway.  This arched doorway is pretty amazing with the greenery.  Love it..

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!

image via


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tattoo Girls

Here is a collection of 20 Most beautiful and awesome photos of Tattooed Girls.
20 Images..!

Girl With Tattoo
Tattooed Girls Profile picture For Facebook
Tattoo of Girls
Tattooed Girl Photography
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Fossils {accessory trends}

While I was at the show in Atlanta I saw the most beautiful fossils everywhere and most were already sold.  Most of the showrooms used them in display or as the main accessories on their furnishings.  I fell in love!  I was very excited to pick up a few pieces this past week, which I am even more excited to share with you.  

I am sorry this photo is not better, these pieces were amazing!

Each of the the architectural fragments had bits of stone attached to them.

Loved this too!

 I picked up Smokey Quartz and Amethyst pieces, these are for sale in our flea market section of the shop.


Stop by the shop to see what we have been adding, I will be putting more on in the coming days.


Monday, August 27, 2012