Friday, November 30, 2012

Before & After: spacious but dated lake-front home

A friend of a friend flew me out to North Carolina to help update her lake-front home:

Bedroom (office) #3 BEFORE: Full of clutter, dark and uninviting, many buyers asked "where is the 3rd bedroom in this house?" because they couldn't "see" it.

Bedroom #3 AFTER: A soft accent color on the headboard wall, an actual BED, soothing colors. Now it's REALLY a bedroom... with room for a home office (at right).

Great Room BEFORE: That futon is NOT helping! Neither is the dated light fixture and lack of overall lighting.

Great Room AFTER: Now, new sofa & chair, art and proper lighting, plus a new paint color to makes the fireplace pop! Now this great room works!

Above, another view of the Great Room: While not the height of fashion, the classic 1980's oak tables do work well with the new sofa and chair, but they were wasted in the Living Room. That's staging.... mixing old and new so your costs don't overrun, but you still have a pleasant home that will sell!

Rocq Macarons {giveaway}

Our second gift in our Holiday Giving Series is from Rocq Macarons!  As you know Macarons are one of my favorite things in the world.  Rocq Macarons are the best and make wonderful gifts, I sent them to all of my clients last year as a Thank you gift during the holidays.  They are generously offering two of our readers each a box of these amazing goodies.

For your chance to win a box of the gluten free little lovelies please visit Rocq Macarons and leave a comment below telling us about your favorites, for an additional chances to win you can tweet (easy to tweet just hit retweet at the bottom of the post), follow us here on the blog or on twitter or blog about our giveaway.  The winner will be chosen at random on December 3rd, 2012 .  
Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

  **Don't forget I have to be able to contact you...  Please leave your name and some type of contact information if you are not able to be contacted with your profile** 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

coming down...

I am sorry for the sporadic and delayed posts...  it has been a whirlwind birthday week here!  I am finally on the tail end of it smiling contently!

Thank you to everyone for sweet birthday wishes!  


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I often think we could all use a little charm in our lives..  this home just seems to oozz it.  I love the dark shutters and the vine over the door.  Just simple perfection really.

image via

Modern corridors designs corridors flooring designs ideas.

Modern corridors designs corridors flooring designs ideas.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

just a dash..

I know it is the holiday season... I am just not quite ready to go all the way!  I adore the little touches of pink in this space.  It is refreshing and feminine.  I wish you a wonderful Tuesday my friends and maybe just maybe we can hold off the Christmasness until December 1st this year.. or maybe not.

images via

Monday, November 26, 2012

tastes orangey {giveaway}


To start off our Holiday Giving Series the lovely Clare of Tastes Orangey has graciously offered 3 of our readers the chance to win 2 of her 13" x 19" prints.  Clare is an amazing artist whom I have had the pleasure to work with over the past few years.  Her pieces carry beautiful depth in there small packages.  Take a moment to pick out your favorites from her shop, these are just a few of mine!


For a chance to win please visit tastes orangey and leave a comment below telling us about your favorites, for an additional chances to win you can tweet (easy to tweet just hit retweet at the bottom of the post), follow us here on the blog or on twitter or blog about our giveaway.  The winner will be chosen at random on November 30th, 2012 .  
Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

  **Don't forget I have to be able to contact you...  Please leave your name and some type of contact information if you are not able to be contacted with your profile**


Sunday, November 25, 2012

greige fairytale..

Somethings are so beautiful I just cannot help but share them.  I know I don't have anything in my future that says I need a couture gown but if I did this would be a contender! 

image via

Saturday, November 24, 2012

greige 2012 gift guide {blues}

 In celebration of the upcoming holidays we have put together a few gift ideas for you and yours and we will be hosting several giveaways here on greige.

I hope you enjoy!


Friday, November 23, 2012

Little white sofa

I hope you had a wonderful holiday with family and friends.  This space makes me think of my renewed feeling of cleaning up and simplifying my life after the holidays.  After all of the cooking and cleaning of dishes I want to wipe the slate clean and make sure we can celebrate the upcoming holidays as simply as possible and really take the time to enjoy.

image via


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving.. happy

We are celebrating our second Thanksgiving here today (this one is from Saturday).  I was so excited to have a few hydrangea left in the garden to grace the table.  

Wishing you a wonderful day filled with friends and family!
