Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Finding inspiration at the LA mart... January

I truly enjoy going to market, no matter where you go it is very inspirational.  There are so many talented creative minds that work on the showrooms it is really a treat to see most of the time.  This past weekend we visited the LA Mart for the show and found some great new pieces and some really great displays.  

Two's and Tozai never disappoint!  This book display was amazing!

The Walls in this room were painted gold and were super cool.

Love the paper runner- great idea!

I think I need this even if I have no place for it, so sculptural and cool!

Our best seller the star pendant with mirror.. love!

This is my favorite chandelier and I have been desperately trying to find a special place for something like this.. I know that one day it will happen.

I am off to Las Vegas for the furniture show there today, wish me luck!

images by christina fluegge for greige


If you would like help creating inspirational spaces for yourself contact us!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I know I was going to post about our trip to LA today but the schedule just did not allow.  So I am sharing this amazing bar photo.  I love the unique construction of this piece, it is so very unique!  Lately it is harder and harder to come by really unique inpiration images and this one is just dreamy to me.

You can see more of the space here.

Also, congratulations to Andrea at The French Basketeer on winning the Nathan Turner book giveaway!



Monday, January 28, 2013

Hidden Charm? Reveal It!

We often get a house with hidden charm.  The problem with hidden charm is that tends to be hidden to the people who need to see it the most-the buyer.  If the only people able to recognize the better points of the house are the seller and the realtor, the house will probably be on the market a lot longer.  An experienced home stager will be able to recognize the benefits of the house and enhance them to make the more visible to the buyer.

As a recent example, here is a recent job we did on a small house on a stair street in Echo Park:


Clearly this house lacks a visually striking entry that entices visitors into exploring further.  The front door just fades away, the steps don't reach the main walkway as you descend and they also are completely open at the front giving the whole entry an unfinished appearance.


With a fresh coat of tangerine paint on the front door, additional steps added and new fascias across the front of the steps, people are welcomed to an attractive-looking house.


The paprika walls are overwhelming and the bare living room says nothing more than "small" leaving prospective home buyers no idea how effective this space can truly be.


Now, furnished and with a bright, fresh coat of paint on the walls, the living room is airy and inviting.  Prospective buyers can walk in and see the possibilities of the space.


The master bedroom, before staging, is just a small, square box with very little to recommend it, visually, to the buyer.


With a bed covered in beautiful linens, vintage furniture and artwork on the walls, this nondescript box is transformed into a relaxing space where prospective buyers can imagine themselves living.

The lesson here is to not let the prospective buyer try to figure out what benefits the home has to offer on their own.  Home staging is an effective way to help reveal the hidden assets a home has to offer.

For a more complete viewing of this property, go to:
 Loma Vista Hillside Property

Pink please

I am getting excited for February and for Valentine's day.  We don't do too much to celebrate here but I think this year maybe we could add a little more pink to everything.  I love the softness of it but cannot commit more than just a little to any color.  Here are just  few images I found to get you in the mood!

all images found via pinterest