Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Advertise with greige

Interested in advertising on greige? 
I am now accepting sponsors for May. For more information on advertising please check here or feel free to email me. 


If you would like help creating inspirational spaces for yourself contact us!

Obessed: simple jewelry

 I am totally obsessed with simply jewelry pieces.  I am loving a little bit of gold and just the tiniest of details!  These are on the top of my wishing list right now!

Photobucket If you would like help creating inspirational spaces for yourself contact us!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Flowers of Giverny

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  I spent some much needed time just relaxing and working on planning my trip.  This time we will not be visiting Giverny, but our last visit was so fun and beautiful I thought I would share it with you today.  My garden has been on my mind lately as I am going to have to start fresh once we are finished with the pool.  I cannot wait to gather more ideas from the beautiful gardens on our upcoming visit.  

Photobucket If you would like help creating inspirational spaces for yourself contact us!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Design Traveler: Trip planning

I don't know about you but I am a total trip planner..  I like to have an itinerary that notes just about everything (there is always a section for free time-but it is noted!)  I was at dinner with my Mom and Sister last week and my Sister said to me- "I don't like to travel with anyone else, you always have everything planned.  I don't have to worry about anything, I know our next move and what I am supposed to be doing when I get there."  Some people love this and let's face it some do not love it.  I am a planner, I have to have all of this in one place or I will never find it when I need it most, because on top of being a planner I am always a little bit late and a little bit frazzled!  This type of pre planning keeps the vacation moving for me and those with me or we would never make a decision. 

So I have been planning our trip for the past few weeks and I keep finding more things I would like to do.  I have been to Paris several times and there are so many wonderful parts, I want to see something new each and every time but I still want to visit my favorites for a second, third, fourth.. well you get the idea.  I have been stalking Paris blogs and I have fallen deeply for this one.. Paris in Four Months, mostly because she is living a dream and because her images are beautiful, but also because she is posting about sweets around Paris a lot!!! 

So now I have too many things on our list and I think we will be running from one musee to the next or I might have to eliminate something somewhere.. so sad! (But so exciting at the same time!) 

I would love to hear how you plan for your trips?  Do you make a list and do what you feel like when you arrive?  Do you plan every outfit for every occassion including accessories, like one of my best friends?  Do you fly by the seat of your pants?

image via (another group of beautiful paris pics)

If you would like help creating inspirational spaces for yourself contact us!

Friday, April 26, 2013

San Francisco Decorator Showcase 2013: Catherine Kwong

This years San Francisco Decorator Showcase is a beautiful mix of old and new with an emphasis on a unique set of juxtaposed details thanks to Catherine Kwong and the other talented designers.   Catherine designed the Living area of this amazing home and I love this space just as much as I loved her own beautiful home!

Catherine Kwong designs a decadent
rock 'n roll hideaway for the 2013 San Francisco Decorator Showcase.
With custom furnishings and an emphasis on luxe materials, Catherine
Kwong brings her signature elegance and modern point of view to create
a grand living room.
“The design was inspired by Mick and Bianca Jagger in the 1970’s - the
young and wild, traipsing-to-Saint Tropez years,” said Catherine Kwong.
“I was doing research for a client and discovered all of these beautiful old
photos of Mick and Bianca that depicted a wild romance. They were
impossibly stylish and full of excitement, with a bit of scandal, of course.
So I designed this room for them; a place for late-night parties with rock
royalty and the jet-set. I wanted the room to be just like Mick and Bianca:
luxe and decadent, but with a rock 'n roll edge.”
The star of the room is the dramatic painted floor, which serves as a rich
canvas for the room’s artful mix of luxurious textures, details and lines.
Inspired by the iconic paintings of Cy Twombly, the floor was
hand-painted in exuberant brushstrokes by decorative painting firm,
Stancil Studios.

Interior design : Catherine Kwong
images: Bess Friday
a special thank you to: Jessica Mullens


If you would like help creating inspirational spaces for yourself contact us!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

books as art...

I love this over sized stack of books on display.  I have a huge collection of books - design books and novels etc that are stacked here and there and everywhere!  Do you love books.. Do you store them in a nontraditional way?  If so I would love to know!

image via ?


If you would like help creating inspirational spaces for yourself contact us!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013